Halter's Market is a local family owned business located at 1926 N 6th, Vincennes, Indiana.
Currently four families are involved with the business.
The original Halters Market was located at 15th and Willow streets in Vincennes and consisted of a local produce stand selling homegrown produce while in season.
In 1972 the location was moved to our current location of 1926 N 6th St. A home was purchased and a garage was built facing 6th street to sell produce out of.
A few years later Halter's Market started to sell flowers, and it went over very well. In 1988, having outgrown the small area we had, we purchased the adjourning property and built a hoop greenhouse.
Sales increased, as we were able to have more inventory in stock. In 1993 we expanded once again.
We purchased and additional 3 lots and built a new sales area and a double Quonset, gutter connected greenhouse that attached to our sales area.
We quickly outgrew this greenhouse, and in 2005 built our current greenhouse, a Nexus glass greenhouse.
This new greenhouse utilizes natural ventilation, versus using fans, for cooling.
The roof opens 40% for warm air to escape while cool air is brought in by vents in the sidewall.
This is all automated for a more enjoyable shopping experience. When you step inside the greenhouse, it's temperature is never more than two or three degrees warmer than the outside air, and can sometimes feel cooler with our shade screen.
This ensures a quiet, peaceful, enjoyable shopping experience.
As years passed we quickly ran out of space in our new glass greenhouse, and in the fall of 2015 we added onto our Nexus greenhouse, making it 50% bigger.
Our upgraded greenhouse still uses natural ventilation, and allows us more space to carry even more varieties of flowers.
Family Farm

The Halter Farm, established in 1837, is centered in what is now known as Halterville. The original farm raised grain and produce, and has changed over the years.
What once was a small grain and produce farm turned into a commercial greenhouse growering operation. Now with 19 greenhouses.